San Antonio Matchmakers specializes in helping local singles meet and date quality individuals that match their values, interests and life goals. We are part of the largest personal matchmaking network in Texas with local offices located in San Antonio.
At San Antonio Matchmakers, we meet with every client face-to-face in our local office. We take the time to get to know you, to understand your relationship goals and to find out what is most important to you in the people you want to date. Utilizing your matchmaking and personality profile our experienced Personal Matchmaking Team will hand screen introductions that match your predetermined values, interests, and life goals. This ensures you meet real, local singles that are compatible for dating. As we like to say here at San Antonio Matchmakers, "Isn't it time to live, laugh and love again?"
We Do All The Work, You Have All The Fun!
People turn to us because they're tired of game playing and are serious about finding a relationship. Our matchmaking system cuts out the game playing of online dating and gimmicks of speed and lunch dating services. Get out of the dating game and let a Personal Matchmaker go to work for you.
What are you waiting for? San Antonio Matchmakers is the best way to meet quality local singles. STOP wasting time with online dating sites such as match.com, eharmony.com, ZOOSK.com, itsjustlunch.com, christianmingle.com, ourtime.com, and others. They aren't designed to help you meet real singles.
Thank you for finding me a match that is suited to my personality. Brent is a very sweet man who has a nice sense of humor. He has the greatest smile! He is a little shy, and I am NOT, so we play well off of each other. Brent is also very considerate and kind. When I had a recent health scare, he was always calling and texting to see if I was alright. This is after only two dates together. He shares a lot of the same interests and has an active lifestyle.
I so appreciate your commitment to helping me find someone who is compatible. I had a few dates, and they were not a click. You were so willing to listen to my feedback and refine the search even more. I would like to take some time to get to know Brent, so I would like you to place my membership on hold.
Thanks so much for your help!
“Thank you and everyone at your company!
I was very cautious going into this process and had to analyze every detail about a match. However, when I met Chuck I just knew that we were a good match. It felt right from the beginning. Our profiles were similar, but Josie picked up on the key details that we really think are important in a partner. Chuck is intelligent, honest, interesting, and has a good sense of humor and a great outlook on life. I can't wait to discover more about him every day!
Thank you for this wonderful new beginning! I would like to put my membership on hold to see where this relationship can go- and yes, I will keep you informed!!!
Although I really liked Paul on our first date and agreed to go out with him again, I didn't realize what a genuinely nice person he was until a couple of dates later. He's very confident, but not arrogant. He didn't smother me, but he kept in touch. Paul always does what he says he's going to do and rarely disappoints me. He's got a great personality andis very good at communicating, which is probably why we have never had an argument in the eight months we have been dating. We have had a few discussions, but they are always very cordial and we come to a mutual decision. Finding someone with good character is very important to me, and I feel extremely lucky to have found Paul. I would never have had the opportunity to meet him if it was not for this service.
The matchmaking department has been very good to work with me. I'm extremely picky, and I know they're sometimes wondering just what on earth I'm thinking. Jessica, I really appreciate all your efforts and the fact that you didn't laugh hysterically when I pointed out certain physical characteristics or traits that just don't mesh with my idea of a good date. You guys have been wonderful!
At this point, Paul and I have decided to make our relationship exclusive. Please accept this as notification to place my membership on hold. Again, thank you all so much!
“I am delighted to meet Wayne. He has a genuine friendly disposition; he is also caring, sensitive and full of vitality. I’m happily anticipating to meet him again.
It is so terrific to have your matchmaking service to provide the search for anyone who would like to meet quality men or women. We all have busy schedules and that is when your service has been very helpful and I appreciate my matchmaker’s caring and generous nature.
I would like you to place me on hold. I would like very much to see Wayne exclusively. I think our romance has potential.
Thank you so much,